our Motto: "If you learn one thing you will know a thousand"
169 Belmont St. Belmont, MA 02478
Serving Belmont, Cambridge, Watertown, and surrounding communities
169 Belmont St. Belmont, MA 02478
Serving Belmont, Cambridge, Watertown, and surrounding communities
Grandmaster Woo is recognized internationally for his expertise in Kung Fu and Tai Chi. He began studying Kung Fu in Guangzhou, China as a young man and has, over 60 years, attained the highest level of mastery in Tai Chi, Southern Hung Gar and Northern Shaolin Kung Fu systems. He is considered a “master’s master;” instructors from around
Grandmaster Woo is recognized internationally for his expertise in Kung Fu and Tai Chi. He began studying Kung Fu in Guangzhou, China as a young man and has, over 60 years, attained the highest level of mastery in Tai Chi, Southern Hung Gar and Northern Shaolin Kung Fu systems. He is considered a “master’s master;” instructors from around the world seek out his knowledge and training. Grandmaster Woo is the creator of 5 Elements Tai Chi which is the distillation of his distinguished skill and expertise into a powerful system. He has dedicated more than 30 years to refining and promoting 5 Elements Tai Chi. Grandmaster Woo opened the first public Kung Fu School in Boston’s Chinatown in 1967, the Bamboo Hut Club. He has from that time taught thousands of students.
"If you learn one thing you will know a thousand"
We want all of our students to be life long learners. Understanding even the simplest of concepts opens the door to learning more and more. The one thing that you know is never by itself, but stands tied to an infinite web of knowledge.
"Kung Fu Always Begins and Ends With Respect"
We bow t
"If you learn one thing you will know a thousand"
We want all of our students to be life long learners. Understanding even the simplest of concepts opens the door to learning more and more. The one thing that you know is never by itself, but stands tied to an infinite web of knowledge.
"Kung Fu Always Begins and Ends With Respect"
We bow to show respect at the beginning and end of each class. We are expected to show respect and consideration to each other during our training, The higher ethic reminds us that we must act with thoughtful care when we step out of the school into the world.
"Invest In Loss"
In order to expand intellectually, grow emotionally, and develop physically we have to get out of our comfort zones. When we leave our comfort zones we will inevitably make mistakes and fail. Embrace the failure, reevaluate, adjust, and persist in trying to "get it right.." Take what you have gained and move forward with the new knowledge and experience.
Sifu LaVallee started his martial arts training as a teen and has decades of experience. He has been a disciple of Grandmaster Woo for more than 10 years and is an inheritor of his 5 Elements Tai Chi System. Shortly after joining Grandmaster Woo’s Chinatown school he invited Sifu LaVallee into the instructor corps. This was in recogni
Sifu LaVallee started his martial arts training as a teen and has decades of experience. He has been a disciple of Grandmaster Woo for more than 10 years and is an inheritor of his 5 Elements Tai Chi System. Shortly after joining Grandmaster Woo’s Chinatown school he invited Sifu LaVallee into the instructor corps. This was in recognition of both his excellence as a teacher and his dedication as a student. Sifu LaVallee is a professional educator and has taught both formally and informally at all educational levels. Sifu LaVallee's classes are widely sought. In addition to running the Belmont School He teaches in Woburn, Arlington, Cambridge, and at Harvard with the University's Tai Chi and Kung Fu Master Yon Lee. He proud to be carrying on Grandmaster Woo’s Kung Fu and Tai Chi legacy.
KUNG FU is an ancient Chinese martial art with a two-thousand-year history. It has only been publicly taught in the western world for a few generations. It is considered to be the mother of many Asian martial art systems (e.g. Karate, Taekwondo) that developed under its influence.
Our Kung Fu program is designed be dynamic, challenging, and rewarding. It is an excellent way to increase your strength, flexibility, and disciplined focus. In Chinese, “Kung Fu” means “excellence achieved through hard work”. This is what we aspire to at Woo’s Martial Arts; excellence, not just in martial arts but in all aspects of our lives.
A typical Kung Fu class may include:
· Warm up exercises
· Basics (stances, strikes, blocks, kicks)
· Moving drills
· Partner work (applications, self-defense, basics)
· Form practice
· Bag work
· Chi Gung and Mindfulness practice
Kung Fu Styles
Over the millennia Kung Fu has developed into many different and distinct styles each with their own peculiar ways of practice. These many styles have been put into broad categories: Southern, Northern, External, and Internal. Systems from southern China tend to have narrow, deep and solid stances, short, compact arm movements, low kicks, and keep to the ground. Northern styles tend to have long, wide and deep stances, sweeping, open arm movements, high kicks, and even some acrobatics. External and Internal designate how a style is performed and applied. External styles generally use vigorous and powerful movements while Internal styles tend to emphasize relaxed and fluid actions.
The core curriculum at Woo’s Martial Arts will give you a strong foundation in both Southern Hung Gar Tiger Crane and Northern Shaolin Kung Fu styles that combine External and Internal methods of practice.
In addition to Kung Fu and Tai Chi, Woo's Martial Arts offers private lessons, instruction in Traditional Weapons, Iron Palm, Meditation, Women's Self Defense, Lion Dance, and mini-seminars on religion and philosophy.
TAI CHI was developed in China more than 300 years ago. Like its “cousin” Kung Fu, it was originally developed as a self-defense system. Tai Chi is now practiced primarily as a graceful form of exercise. Health and fitness professionals now recognize that Tai Chi is a powerful health-giving modality that addresses multiple health issues. Tai Chi is meditation in motion that promotes serenity and mindfulness. It is considered an “Internal” style performed with gentle, flowing movements. All postures and movements are executed so that each flow into the next seamlessly without pause, keeping the body in constant motion.
The movements of 5 Elements Tai Chi are primarily based on the principals of Hung Gar Kung Fu and was designed by Grandmaster Woo as a compliment to Kung Fu practice to balance the sometimes overly hard and rigid manner that Kung Fu is performed. 5 Elements Tai Chi is a stand-alone system that excels both as a martial art and as a health-giving exercise. 5 Elements Tai Chi is part of the core curriculum of the Kung Fu program as training in “Internal” martial art practice. Additionally, we teach Tai Chi as a separate course option for those who want to focus particularly on healing and health.
Like Kung Fu and Tai Chi, Chi Gung has a long history as a holistic health practice in China. Chi Gung involves slow coordinated movements with deep breathing and mindful meditation. Its roots can be found in traditional Chinese medicine, spirituality, and martial arts. We teach Chi Gung is as an adjunct to our Kung Fu and Tai Chi training. The aim of Chi Gung is to cultivate and harmonize ones Chi or “life energy,” and improve both circulation and respiration.
Kids love Kung Fu! Our youth Kung Fu program is a great way to help your child gain confidence, keep active, learn focus and discipline, and have some fun at the same time. We always aim to maintain a welcoming, non-intimidating atmosphere that encourages learning and participation. At the same time, we expect the best of our students, looking for them to be enthusiastic, focused, and respectful. Our activities are structured to not only learn martial arts but to develop the necessary strength, co-ordination, flexibility, and timing necessary to do martial arts. Kung Fu will have a positive effect on your child’s other activities as well.
Pandas: 4-6 years
Dragons: 7-10 years
Tigers: 11-13 years
Students will earn ranks as they move through the youth curriculum. When they graduate to the adult program, they will be reassigned a rank that reflects how advanced they are in the Core Curriculum.
If parents/guardians wish to join in and train with your child, we welcome you to do so. Please talk to us about how!
Private lessons are available.
Upon enrollment, each student will have an introductory class with Sifu. This class is intended to get the student off to a good start and help ensure a positive transition into active training.
All adult Kung Fu students will begin in the Kung Fu Fundamental Curriculum course regardless of previous martial arts experience. This class is a “primer” as to what a Woo’s Martial Art’s student needs to know about Kung Fu basics before advancing through the curriculum. This is an on-going class that is open to all students regardless of rank who wish to keep up on their fundamental skills. Usually, a student will remain in this class for 3 or 4 months before moving on to the Core Curriculum Course.
*Tai Chi students do not need to take this class.*.
Students advancing through the Core Curriculum Course will earn ranks that indicate the amount of the Core Curriculum that they have learned. There is no rule as to how long it will take a student to progress and advance; it depends on one’s effort, motivation, and skill. That being said, we will give each student every opportunity to learn and master the art!
Students who complete the Core Curriculum will be invited to study in the Advanced Curriculum course. These are students who have earned their Black Sash, a symbol of dedicated study, achievement, and excellence.
Private lessons are available.
Find greater focus and mindfulness
Increase your strength and flexibility
Manage stress
Practice discipline and control
Develop self defense skills
Learn an ancient art form
Please come in to visit and schedule a free class!
169 Belmont Street, Belmont, Massachusetts 02478, United States
(617) 855-8284 Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages @woosmartialarts
8:00-8:50 AM TAI CHI (in the studio and on ZOOM)
4:30-5:15 PM KIDS KUNG FU (in the studio)
6:30-8:00 PM KUNG FU (in studio)
5:00-5:50 PM TAI CHI (in the studio and on ZOOM)
7:00-8:30 KUNG FU
4:30-5:15 PM KIDS KUNG FU (in the studio)
6:30-8:00 PM KUNG FU (in studio)
4:30-5:15 PM KIDS KUNG FU (in the studio)
5:00-5:50 PM TAI CHI (in the studio and on ZOOM)
6:30-8:00 PM KUNG FU (in studio)
3:00-3:50 PM TAI CHI (in the studio and on ZOOM)
4:30-5:15 PM KIDS KUNG FU (in the studio)
6:30-8:00 PM KUNG FU/TAI CHI/INTERNAL ARTS (in studio)
8:00-8:50 AM TAI CHI (in the studio and on ZOOM)
10:00-10:45 AM KIDS KUNG FU (in the studio)
1:00-3:00 PM KUNG FU (by appointment)
All ZOOM Classes are open to the public. Please email us at for information
Youth Classes 100$ per month for 2 classes per week
Adult Classes 150$ per month includes all adult classes
1 Adult and 1 Child 150$ per month (additional Child 50$)
ZOOM Tai Chi 10$ per class
We accept:
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Woo's Martial Arts
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